Mama Doreen Ambrose-Van Lee


Mama always told me to be careful of the company I keep, She said Every shut eye ain't sleep. Every good bye ain't gone Only a dog wants a bone... And a dog don't want it if it ain't no meat on it! She said a stitch in time saves nine, Always follow my first mind. She stressed that charity begins at home, We are all but library books on loan. She said every tub must sit on its own bottom, People will always point fingers at Gomorrah and Sodom. She said life is too short, Live, laugh, love and make him court. She said you lie down with dogs you'll get up with fleas, She reminded me to always say thank you and please. She said you reap what you sow. Everything that is sitting high on this earth Will one day sit low. She said the mighty do fall, Short folks wanna be tall. Every dog has his day, It's a poor wind that doesn't change, Don't show your teeth to every guy you meet. No pain no gain. Mama said while you are digging a grave for me dig one for yourself... Because something in the milk ain't white...